Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mass PR Checker

Some one in forum ask us that he need aplication for Mass PR Check


Is there any tools out there to get the PR of a list of urls. I know Ill need to use multiple proxies to achieve that because Google bans your IP after x nbr of request (Does anyone know the exact numbers here?)

I have tried SEOQuake but after checking a few hundred of urls, the PR checker stopped working.

I also did a quick search through BHW but I cant seem to find anything valuable.


And this is the answer :

Visit Here For More SEO Secret

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Method For Getting Unique Content From Spun Articles

Hey Guys,

I'm gonna give you all a method for getting unique content on your blogs that works and is 100% complete from start to finish. The concept of what I'm about to tell you is nothing new to BHW but the tools I use may not be familiar to some of you.

The method I use for getting content involves article grabbing, translating the articles several times, and then checking the dupe content level before I post it.

The reason I wrote this thread is because I see a lot of people on here wanting to use some translator bots and stuff that BHW members have made and then yanked or else the software has glitches and other problems and the method I've found works flawlessly so I thought I would share.

Now before we get started, this method is not for autobloggers cause you wil spend a few minutes getting your articles ready to post, but if you've got a few minutes to spin a few articles you'll have lots of content for your blogs.

Okay here we go, these 3 tools are the tools you will need for the job:

The Everprofits Toolbar - I take no credit for having found this tool, Ken3401 is responsible for giving me this tool for getting my articles in the first place. Now all you haters are gonna say that the Everprofits toolbar no longer grabs articles using the content generator tool that comes with it, but while that was true for awhile, they've updated their toolbar and if you have the latest version of it, it grabs articles again without any problems. Much thanks to Ken3401 for a great tool recommendation.

You can G00gle 'Everprofits Toolbar' to get the download

The next tool you will need is the Lingoes translator, it's free and uses all the major translation services around the Internet including G00gle translator. It's a small app that you download and set up on your pc and it really translates articles super fast but you do have to feed the articles in for each pass of the translation, so about 2 minutes per article.

You can G00gle 'Lingoes translator' to get the download

The last tool you will need is a dupe content checker, and you can use whichever checker you want, but DupeFree Pro is free and works perfectly well for the job.

You can G00gle 'DupeFree Pro' to get the download

* Now before anyone goes asking, I'm not affiliated with these softwares in any way, they are just the tools I use for spinning articles cause they work very well, and I haven't posted enough to be able to give you the links so you have to go grab them yourselves.

Okay so here's what you do to spin articles:

First: Download all programs and install them

Second: Let's find an article to spin so open up Internet Explorer and click on the Content Generator in the Everprofits toolbar. Once you've opened the content generator, type in your keyword and press the search button and wait for a list of articles to show up. Once you've got your list, click on an article you want to use and it will populate in the rewriter screens below it. I don't use the rewriter feature of this toolbar because it turns the articles to dogfood so instead I highlight and copy out the content of the article (CTRL+C) and then I open up Lingoes.

Third: Once you've got Lingoes open maximize it so you can see all of the contents of the articles you will spin, then click on the Text Translation button right in the center of the window. Paste your article into the text box, use the G00gle translator and translate the article. I go English to Spanish, then I copy out the Spanish and if you right click in the text box it will highlight all the original text for you and you can just paste in the Spanish with one click. I do this again for Spanish to French, then French to German, then German back to English.

*The whole process up to this point from finding and grabbing the article to translating it is 2 minutes, for a noob who haven't used the software before it's like 4 it's pretty quick.

Now the last step is to copy out your article that is now in English and check it through DupeFree Pro, so open up DupreFree Pro and paste your spun article in one window, go back to your Everprofits toolbar content generator window and copy the original article again and paste it in the other DupeFree Pro window and click the big fat compare button.

I've had results in the 23% to 35% range, never higher and the spun article is human readable and quite good with one or two small grammar tweaks that need to be applied to the article. The whole process takes about 3 to 4 minutes and could be faster if you know what you're doing.

So there you go, that's the method, it works, but you do have to spend a few minutes grabbing and translating, but then you've got articles that when checked in Copyscape don't even come up.

For more trick visit SEO Secret

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mass Blog Pinger

Someone said that he looking for software for ping mass blog. So i try to search on all search engine and i found something new.

What's new ? that we can do mass pingger to many blog with just one click. There is what i said :

For Software that you can use manual on your PC :

More apreciate software you can see here SEO Secret

Backlink Verifier v1.0


We have all been there, you pay for a Backlinking Service and get a report with Thousands or URL’s. Let me guess, you manually check a random sample of 20 URL’s or so and leave it at that and assume you got what you paid for.

Perhaps you own a tool that blasts links, and need to verify how many exist on the sites you just blasted to?

Backlink Verifier will parse a list of URL's and tell you if your link is on the page.

* Note: This was a component built for ScrapeBox, and considering so many people own various tools that blast links are looking for tools to check to see how successful their blast was, check their Linkwheels or backlink packets are intact etc i decided to bundle this up and give it to everyone free.

How To Use:

Click “Load Websites” and select a .txt file with your Domain or Domains listed in it one per line.

Click “Load Blogs” and select a .txt file with a list of URL’s you want to check to see if they link to your domain or domains using the same format above, one URL per line.

Click “Start” and that’s it

Download :

For more software visit at

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Keyword Combination of Secrets of Search Engine Optimization

Let's say you have a keyword combination. Anytime a person does a search on that keyword combination you want your website to pop up in the number one position. Here are steps that will help.
  • Place the keyword combination in your keyword metatag.
  • Place the keyword combination in your description metatag.
  • Next place the keywords in your title.
  • Place that exact string "secrets of search engine optimization" in the first paragraph of your page and make that string BOLD
  • Use that keyword combination again in the next paragraph. At least once.
  • You can skip a paragraph, but use it again once in the next two paragraphs.
  • Place an image on your page. The keywords should be in the alt tag.
  • Put some text referring to the image beside, above or below the image using the keyword.
  • After the image add at least 2 more paragraphs. Use your perfect keywords once in each paragraph.
  • In the last paragraph italicize the keywords.
  • Sprinkle headlines throughout the article with relevant keywords
  • Make sure the keywords are relevant to the scope of the article.
We follow this formula because of how the search engines look at your page. Most SEO experts say that metatags aren't used by the search engines anymore. But it takes nothing to add your keyword to the metatags. There might be some old style search engines still using the metatags. Don't miss the opportunity.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Where Do You Get Fresh New Content ?

Where do you get new content? That is a tough question that is not always easy to answer. I am in the computer industry where there is something new happening constantly. Just when I think I have a clue about what is going on in the industry, somebody creates a new product or Microsoft changes their operating system and I am back to square one, relearning everything.

Not every industry is like that, but most industries have something new happening that is worth telling their customers about. My daughter and her husband run a recording studio, Apocalypse Cow, in the Chicagoland area. They are constantly finding new things to put on their website. Where do they get the content?

There is always something new and fun happening at the recording studio. Who is in recording this month? Have they purchased new equipment to improve the studio? What kind of music is being played? How are the bands that they record doing on the music charts? Who is new in the studio? What are the bands that have recorded previously with Apocalypse Cow doing? Are they recording new music or reworking old favorites?

How can you relate that to your industry and market? Have you hired someone new to help your customers? Tell us about it. Have you purchased new equipment or new software that will enhance your ability to service your clients and users? Tell us about it. Have you done something to make industry news, tell us about it. Some people have pets or children doing interesting things. Tell us what is interesting and keep telling us every month.

Fresh Content - Number 1 Key to Internet Success

Are you looking for the Holy Grail of Internet success? Would you like to know what drives the web and causes some companies to fail and others to grow exponentially each year? Why does one site get visited once and nobody ever comes back and yet others continue to be visited over and over by the same people? This article will answer that question.

What sites do you visit on a regular basis? We all have been told about a really fantastic site, a must see, we go there once, maybe twice and never return. Why don't we go back? Easy answer, nothing has changed. The second time we went there it had the same material that was there the first time.

The internet is the place we go to get information. This is why this is called the information age. Back in the 1800's it could take a year before information was disseminated across the country. Today, information is exchanged in a fraction of that time. As a web business person you are responsible to provide accurate and timely information on a recurring basis.

Do you ever go to a website like Dilbert? Scott Adams has created a fortune with his comic strip character and has made it available on the internet. You can go there everyday and see Scott Adam's latest creation. Everyday it changes and everyday you get the opportunity to laugh again at the antics of the "pointy haired boss" and his team of characters. Now, would you keep going back if Scott Adams stopped writing his comic strip? Probably not. Because it is the newness of the information that you seek.

Granted he could repackage it in different ways so you would keep going back. But did you notice, he wouldn't be keeping it the same. It would appear to be fresh new content. That is the number one key to Internet success. Keep your website growing and hopping with fresh new content.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

7 Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We are going to look at 7 Basics of SEO below. These aren't the only things you want to know about SEO, but are the areas you should learn first. Some topics will only take you a minute, some will take a little longer, and others will become an ongoing process. But after reading through this list you should have a good handle on where to start and where to proceed next.

SEO Basic 1: Let's start off with a definition. SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" and is the process by which you Optimize your web site so that it is positioned well in the search engines. This is not the same thing as designing a site so that it attracts customers and entices them to buy.

SEO is what you do specifically on your site to improve your Search Engine Position. If you do a search on Google for any search term you will be presented with a list of links. At the top of the page and along the right side will be PPC links where someone pays an amount per click to get positioned. With PPC the more you pay the better your position. Most people only glance at these listings. You don't need SEO to get one of these positions, just lots of money.

The body of the page contains "organic" listings. These links are listed in the order that Google determined best fit your search, with the best match first. There are only 10 listings per page, most people will only look at the 1st page, maybe the 2nd. So your site needs to be listed within the top 10 and at the worst within the top 20 for any useful exposure. With SEO you will be adjusting your site code so that your site will rank highly. This can be a daunting process as there may be thousands of sites competing for the same top listing. A trick is to aim your pages at less popular search terms to get higher placement. It is better to be on page one for a term that gets 1,000 searches per month than to be on page three for a search term that gets millions of visits.

SEO Basic 2: Your web site must be search engine friendly. The search engines send out "spiders" or "bots" cataloging web pages they come across. If the search engine has trouble getting through to your pages it will either rank your page poorly, or skip your site all together. Making your site Search Engine Friendly means having the code easily accessible, no errors in the code, and guiding the search engine through your site.

Try to steer away from complicated coding when possible. Check your site for coding errors. This is fairly easy to do with web programs like Dreamweaver which do this for you automatically. Plan on having text based navigation on every page. This is usually placed at the bottom of the pages. You may also want to have a "Site Map" page with easy to follow text based links to all of your important pages. Search Engines will look for a Site Map and will use that to navigate a site if available.

SEO Basic 3: The Most Important SEO Aspect is Keywords. Keywords are the terms you type into a search engine to find interesting web sites. You need to know what search terms people are likely to use to find your site, then use those terms as your Keywords. Make a list of the keyword combinations you can think of that you would use to find your site. Try them all on a search engine and see the results.

You need to see how these search terms perform on the web and what other search terms could be used. A great free tool to help with this research is available at Google:

You type in a search term, then you are given a list of similar search terms, how often they were searched and some advertiser comparison figures. You can quickly find additional keywords and to see how well they perform. A good idea is to optimize your site for a less frequently used keyword combinations so that you can achieve a higher placement. The Google Keyword Tool will help you figure this out.

Focus on keyword groups with 3 or 4 keywords. Many times keywords will overlap, so you can focus on a longer keyword combination and cover many other combinations at the same time. For instance, if you are designing a page to sell Photoshop Training, you can optimize for this keyword phrase "Adobe Photoshop Training Video". This will not only give you optimized performance for this keyword combination but also for these other keywords and combinations as well:

Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop Training
Adobe Photoshop Training
Photoshop Training Video

So try to come up with a multiple keyword combination that will contain several other keyword combinations as well.

Once you know what keywords you want to use you are ready to place those keywords on your page. The main places you want to use the keywords are:

In the meta title of the page
In the meta description of the page
In the first sentence on the page
In all of the image alt tags
In links to and from the page
Well represented in the body text of the page

Make sure you Pick the right keywords, and make sure they cover more than 5% of the word usage on the page. An easy way to get more keywords onto a page is by using lists such as:

We carry:
Adobe Photoshop Training Video Sets for Educators
Adobe Photoshop Training Video Sets for Students
Adobe Photoshop Training Video Sets for Business

Keep in mind that your page text should still be user friendly. If you use your keywords too frequently or in strange ways on your page, it may rank better in the search engines, but it will drive away visitors. Who wants to read a poorly written page?

SEO Basic 4: Don't try anything funny. There are lots of "tricky" things you can do to cram more keywords into a page without annoying your visitors. The problem is that the search engines know about these tricks and will penalize your site if you use them. So don't do any of the following or you may find your web site disappear completely from the search engine listings.

White letters on white background, or any other similar text coloring trick. Even using a very light gray text on a white background, or very dark gray text on a black background can get you bumped from the search engines.

Don't repeat your keyword over and over again. People used to do things like this at the top or bottom of their pages: Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop. This worked in the early days of search engine optimization, but no longer. You should also not try this trick in alt tags, image names, links or other places in your code. The search engines will spot this and you will be penalized.

Don't put keywords into comment tags. Also don't put keywords in hidden form fields. The search engines will spot these and mark you down accordingly.

Even though putting keywords into image names and alt tags is a great idea, don't think that you can just create a bunch of clear gif images sized at 1x1 and fill those with keywords. The search engines are very good at spotting tricks like this as well.

So use your keywords appropriately, don't try to sneak one past the search engines and you should do just fine. Just keep in mind, if you think that you need to hide the keywords to trick the search engine you can rest assured that they have already thought of that and will do their best to devalue your site accordingly if you use these "black hat" tricks.

SEO Basic 5: All pages should have links to other pages. The main search engines like links. They like outside sites linking into yours, but they also like links within your site going to other pages. So in this case having more pages can be useful. Also since you now have all these pages that you are linking to it gives you a great place to use some more keywords. Make sure that your links include your keywords.

But, and this could have been in section 4 above, don't create "doorway pages" that redirect you to another page. It used to be common SEO practice to create lots of doorway pages, each one stuffed with specific keywords, all of which would redirect the visitor to the actual page they were looking for. This would give your site lots of pages, with lots of internal links and would allow you to tightly optimize these doorway pages for specific keywords, but the search engines have gotten wise to this trick and now penalize the use of redirect pages. So don't use redirects unless you absolutely need to and never use doorway pages.

SEO Basic 6: Only optimize a page for one or two keyword groups. More than that just dilutes your keyword ratio. The search engines will analyze your web page to determine which words are used as keywords. They do this by looking at the title, the description, the page heading and the words used on the page. They then determine how relevant your keywords are to your page. So, if you try to use too many different keywords on a page, it will only bring down the percentage of any individual keyword or group for that page. It is better to optimize for a larger keyword group as discussed above than to try to optimize a page for a lot of individual keywords that can't be easily used in one sentence. If you need to have a page optimized for several different, unrelated keywords you are better off creating several different pages and re-writing the body text on each page to match the keywords you are optimizing for. This will make each page relevant for the specific keyword and will get a better placement in the search engines.

SEO Basic 7: Be patient. Even with a perfectly optimized web site it can take several months for it to rise in the search engine standings. I usually recommend waiting at least 90 days and up to 6 months to see how well a web page is doing in the search engines. Also, even though you have gone to great lengths to target a specific keyword or keyword combination keep in mind that the search engines aren't required to agree with you. So when checking your standings look at several different search terms that you discovered in your research and see how well your page is placing. Hopefully you will find that your chosen keywords are getting your page listed the way you want, showing that your SEO has worked properly.

If you find that your page is ranking better for a different keyword, you should examine your page code to see why and make adjustments as needed. Maybe your page is placing higher for a keyword combination you weren't focusing on, but it is still a good combination for your goals. This gives you an ideal opportunity to go with that new combination to achieve even higher placing.

So, get started right now on your SEO. The longer you wait, the longer it will be before your web site is showing well up in the search engines.

In Closing

There is a lot more to SEO than just these 7 quick points, but this will get you started on the right path. Go through these steps and your web pages will be well positioned for any other SEO you may want to perform on your site in the future.

For more SEO Tricks visit

Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 Website Design Rules For High Search Engine Rankings

While millions of people run some sort of website, only a few - it's estimated at only 1 to 2% - are really successful in accomplishing what they want on the Net.

The main reason for this is the lack of well defined goals and the necessary focus to achieve them. A great plan goes a long way. Part of a good plan is web design.

Successful website design lets your visitors focus on the most important part of your website: THE CONTENT.

Whatever the content is, sales pages or valuable information, great website design makes your visitors feel comfortable taking notice of your content.

Because it's your content that has to do the job, whether selling, generating leads, picking up subscribers or whatever it is that you want your visitors to do. That is your MWR, your Most Wanted Response!

Therefore, the first and most important factor of website design is to get your content indexed and listed in the search engines. No listings means no free traffic. You can still buy it, but at what cost? Better to use search engine optimized website design.

So, how do you do that? Below are 10 rules for successful website design.

1. Use a search engine optimized template. Using a great template makes your life easier because all your pages will have the same lay-out which makes adding and updating websites a breeze. Templates will save you tons of time maintaining your websites.

2. Use Meta Tags. I know, the keyword meta tag isn't that important any more. But the Title tag IS! In fact, it's the most important meta tag and so many websites don't use it. Search engines use the title tag to see what your page is all about and list it in their result pages. Also, they use your description tag as added information. It's a great way to entice searchers to click on your webpage when they find it.

3. Use CSS. With CSS, abreviation for Cascading Style Sheets, you can control the style and layout of multiple web pages all at once. In other words, your website layout and style design is defined in one place and one place only. Change your css file and your complete website will be updated.

4. Delete all the crap and focus on your content. Flash and (java)scripts are funny, but very often they don't serve a purpose. Instead, they fill up your visitors' computer memory and make them run slow. Dump it. Using as little code as possible is the best way to guarantee good search engine positioning.

5. Have simple and clear navigation. You have to provide a simple and very straightforward navigation menu so that even a young child will know how to use it. Stay away from complicated Flash based menus or multi-tiered dropdown menus. If your visitors don't know how to navigate, they will leave your site.

6. Reduce the number of images on your website. Yes, I know a picture can say more than a thousand words, but many pictures don't. They make your site load very slowly and more often than not they are very unnecessary. And, if you have an image that says more than a thousand words, make sure you optimize it to a minimum file size and offer a larger version as an option.

7. Use a sitemap. Site maps are a great way to take search engine robots by the hand and show them all the pages of your site and also help them understand what each page is about, which means it makes your site more search engine friendly and helps get a higher ranking.

8. Write crisp HTML that will validate. When they arrive at your site search engine robots only see a bunch of HTML codes. No fancy images, no colored text, nothing of that kind. So to make search engines understand what your website is about and show them that it deserves to have a high ranking, you need to speak to them in their own language: crisp HTML coding that will validate! Don't use deprecated HTML coding, make sure your website complies to w3 org web standards and make sure it is cross-browser compatible.

9. Write one page for one keyphrase and use the keyphrase as the page name. Divide your site into major blocks, ordered by themes, and start building new pages and subsections in those blocks. Without doubt you have researched the keywords and keyphrases you want to get listed for. Now, use them as the name of these blocks and individual pages at your website. Use synonyms inside the pages, so the search engines will get a good idea what your website is all about.

10. Keep your content limited to 500 pixels. For optimal reading convenience, a width of 500 pixels is recommended with a font size of 11 or 12 pixels. It's the easiest way for our eyes to read the text. Use dark text on a light background.

For more tricks visit

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Google Ranking cannot come from Cheating

The previous paragraph, let me do a website to promote the client has done, the need to let me put my article on the deletion of the contents of his, and finally asked the reason, I almost fainted. He thought that the Google ranking is a method of cheating in network marketing. In the recent period, as in all Chinese search engine, type “google ranking”, I an inside page of the website appear in search results after the first day, asked related services to more and more people in these friends in, there are still many people think that Google ranking means the need to cheat. In fact, this is a wrong key, and here I explain in detail and Google ranking.

The origin of Google ranking services

In the network marketing, search engine ranking is a very important and effective method. Because it can be to a great website traffic, and these flows are relatively high-quality traffic. Therefore, in a foreign country, before the beginning of the Internet soon will have a fever of such services, and also produced a number of sites related to optimization, search engine ranking software. At the same time, Google’s rapid development so that the top Google rankings in search engines account for an increasingly important position.

Home about Google rankings only last year, the beginning, because the market had not been aware that the prices are very low. But from the beginning of this year, the service started up in China. So many network marketing scholars began to study Google, many enterprises began to provide such services. However, because Google’s algorithm has been a secret, and changing, so currently can provide the service with regular personal studio company. Probably only dozens.

Google ranking techniques to introduce policy

At present, both at home and abroad in the study of SEO ranking factors Google is said to have more than 300 kinds. But to grasp the most basic of which is nothing but a few. At present, as long as you can for your site to do a good job in the following areas, then ranked in Google’s ranking should be taken for granted. Include:

1. Content to do a good job. This is the premise of natural attractive content, be able to retain people, popular Well, of course, concerned about the search engine you.

2. Good site structure optimization. Web site structure should be optimized so that Google and other search engines easily search on OK. Details on the details later.

3. A good page optimization. Page optimization, including optimizing the page layout, page layout language processing, image optimization, etc., more details, Web site optimization is not a panacea, it is just to make your pages easier to just let Google search. General and can not be optimized through the web site can be the key word so that any Google search results in front of. For example: A sale of cosmetics, no matter how the site can not be optimized in Google type “movies” of the search results in front of the word. Therefore, cheating is not a means of optimizing web pages, Google ranking is not to optimize a single page.

4. Tags Optimization. It is easier to help search engines understand your web pages, search engines now is not so simple before, or frankly well. To design more reasonable, there are some skills.

5. External links. More than the establishment of an external connection to the Google ranking more effective. If you are able to establish in a short time a number of external connections, only show you the Link to do a good strategy, it is not cheating. Link But how to do so more effectively, and this is the issue of a number of techniques. Of course, cheating is not the same.

6. PR value. It is a cumulative process.

7. Flow. As we all know, traffic on the Google ranking is very important, if the site in the period to the rapid growth of traffic, very helpful on the Google rankings, but what does Google rank? Or for traffic, so traffic on the cheating is not so easy.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Google ranking is not depend on 1 webpage optimize only

GOOGLE, many of my friends talk about rankings, always thought that it is a single tab page optimization, in fact, this view is wrong.

I do GOOGLE ranking services, to do the work of the following steps:

Step One: Site Diagnostics, including:
Diagnosis of site structure: to see the suitability of the search engine used to;
Web page diagnosis: to see whether the rational layout and handle it properly;
Site File Name diagnostic: to see whether the file name of the irrational;
Web site marketing based on the diagnosis: look at its current use and promotion of the network is reasonable.

Step Two: website based on traffic analysis:
Installation of traffic statistics
Sec flow analysis,
Analysis of geographical distribution,

Step Three: Web site optimization:
Website structural optimization: the rationalization of the structure of your website to suit search engine habits
Web Page Optimization: Key layout, graphic processing.
Web site optimization to connect: to connect so that the overall systematic Web site, on the one hand contribute to the search engine search, combined with user habits on the one hand, and guide users to view the content of sites to facilitate the final transaction of business.
Site Tags Optimization: Website Tags design, optimization.
The fourth step: GOOGLE ranking other strategies:
Manufacturing flow: GOOGLE rankings or traffic key ah, this process we will use many methods of network marketing.

To create external connections: The Link, article promotion, posting a variety of ways to increase publicity and so on where to connect an external site.
Other … …

GOOGLE Web site to re-do a good ranking, we should first do their own good, to promote good, to achieve better rankings. Therefore, GOOGLE the site to stand on top of an integrated marketing point of view, and then do it. In order to achieve the desired effect.
If you rely on a single tag optimization, as well as the means to achieve GOOGLE ranking cheating test results, it is very childish ridiculous.

After all, GOOGLE, or in order to promote the Web site ranking. In that case, a comprehensive Web site to promote good, you can get a better google ranking is a reasonable thing.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good Titles for SEO

Just to make sure, titles are the content in between the and tags and they appear in the blue bar at the top of your browser window. They are also the text in the links that appear in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP's). So needless to say that titles are very important in SEO. They are in fact the first thing a visitor sees, even before visiting your website.

Just having your company name in the titles of all the pages is not a good thing. Just think of it, how often do you find results in Google that show just the company name? Hardly ever, that's right!

So the question arises: "What to put in the title tags of my website?"

A strange as it may seem, it's actually very important to really think about what to put in the title tags of every individual page in your website. This is not something to think lightly about. If you do this right, you can gain a lot of new business.

Here are some simple rules to follow when writing titles for your pages:

  • Every page has to have a unique title
  • The title needs to be descriptive of the content of the page in a very literal sense
  • Try to keep titles relatively short, no more than 80 characters. Ideally around 60
  • Titles need to be attractive to visitors

Many SEO consultants will tell you to put keywords in the title, and although that's 100% correct, I don't want to say it like that. Thinking in terms of keywords has the risk you forget about your visitors and end up creating keyword filled pages without much coherence.

Make sure that the title is attractive. This means it needs to attend the most likely need of a visitor interested in that page. For example, in stead of just writing "Automatic garage doors", go for something like: "Automatic Garage Doors – Convenient and Safe".

Notice the capitalization of the first letter of each word and the added "feel good" text. (The "feel good" text also needs to be attended in content of your page of course.)

Very important, every page has to have a unique title. Don't be lazy on this! Success in SEO starts with Titles and it's a real sales tool.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Black Hat Web Spamming

When looking to build traffic one the best methods are to get to the top of the search engines. Since everyone knows this there are many different people trying to get to the top of them. With this there are people trying to be able to quicken the pace. This is because to do it “naturally” it takes months and months and that is for even some of the smaller niches in the world. When looking at the more popular niches such as weight loss it can be almost impossible to ever get your site to the front page of Google. This means you cannot have a chance to ever make any money in weight loss if you are relying on Google or Yahoo for traffic related to weight loss.

Of course people are not going to accept this as an answer so there are many that keep looking for techniques to quicken the process to get to the top of these search engines. These people are called Black Hat SEO players by people who have taken the long road. Whatever you want to call them they are collecting much bigger checks each month than many who decided the long run is best.

One of the ways that these people get their sites to the top of the search engines is through web spamming. What is web spamming you ask? Web spamming is when you created many pages that are rich in keywords to quickly boost your sites in the search engines. These sites will range from pages in the hundreds to the thousands that are full of keywords. This can be done with automated software that can spin these pages various ways to make this process much quicker. This is much easier than writing many pages of content yourself. Easier and done in much less time than anyone could ever write that much content.

Now since these sites are automated they are not going to be able to make pages that are great for many to read and the search engines will eventually come and look to see that they are automated. When this happens the site gets penalized and becomes almost useless to the owner.

Nobody knows how long it is going to take for one of these sites to get recognized as spam. Sometime they can last months and other time just weeks. It is just luck of the draw. Because Black Hat web masters know this is going to happen they never use these sites to make money on directly. These sites are used to build up their search engine friendly sites by providing good back links to boost them up the search engines. These Black Hat webmasters will have multiple sites like this pointing to their web site helping it jump up the search engine quicker. This allows their site that actually makes the money not to get penalized. Also once one does get knocked off they can easily get another domain and build another site.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Fast-Track to Using Google Adwords

Remember back when Al Gore allegedly said he "invented the Internet?" Well, he didn't, it was Google. Alright, I'm kidding, but sometimes it does appear that way. Google has consistently launched one killer application after another, and they weren't playing around when they entered into the pay-per-click arena with their "Adwords" program. Adwords is one of the largest online advertising networks, reaching more than 80% of all Internet users.

When setting up your keywords, you'll also need to choose what's called a "match type". Here are your options:

1) Broad Match: The default setting. Searchers can enter your keywords in any order and your ads appear. Not the best option for targeted traffic.

2) Phrase Match: Your keywords must appear in the exact order for your ads to appear. This is more targeted than Broad Match.

3) Exact Match: This is the most targeted option. The searcher must type in your key-phrase exactly for your ads to appear.

4) Negative Match: You choose words you don't want your ads to appear for when searched upon. For example, typing in the word “-free” would stop your ads from appearing if someone typed that word before your key-phrase.

So who decides which ads will appear at the top? This is called "ad rank". Ads with the highest ad rank will appear at the top. Here's the formula, at least at this time as it's always open to change. Ad Rank=C.P.C. (cost per click) X Quality Score To understand this formula you'll need to know what factors go into "quality score".

Quality Score is determined by :

1) How relevant the keywords and ad copy are to the search query.

2) "The historical Click-through rate of the ad, and of the matched keyword on Google".

3) It also includes your account history, which looks at the click through rate of your keywords and ads.

4) Landing page load time.

And, according to Google "other relevant factors". One tip to increase your ad rank is to increase your cost per click, and improve your ad copy and keywords in order to increase your quality score. Ad ranking is determined slightly differently for the search network compared to the content network.

For the content network it looks like this:

Ad Rank= Content Bid X Quality Score

What is the difference between the Content Network and Search Network? Good question. I thought you'd never ask. This is another option you'll have to decide upon when setting up your account. If you choose "search sites", your ads are displayed on search results pages only. Google's search network consists of: AOL, Netscape, Earthlink, Compuserve, AT&T, Worldnet,,, Froogle and of course Google itself.

If you choose for your ads to appear in the "content network", this includes community websites, online publications and other information based sites that choose to display Adwords ads. Partners in the content network include sites such as: Google's Gmail, About, Lycos, NY, Infospace, Reed Business, HowStuffWorks,, Food Network, HGTV, and many other content based websites. Ads are targeted to the content of the individual pages.

You'll also have some control over where your ads appear and don't appear with what's called "placement targeting". You can actually pick and choose from websites you'd like your ads to appear on, or not to appear on. For more on placement targeting see

You can opt in to both search and content networks, or just one.

At this point you're probably thinking this is a lot to learn. And you're right - it is, but there are plenty of online resources to help you such as: SEO Secret


Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to get quality related and relevant backlinks ?

Someone new starting out in the business of Affiliate Marketing can often get overwhelmed by all the little things that need to be done in order to make their business successful. Finding related and relevant backlinks is one of the first road blocks that can get in your way and unless you have someone to explain the basics to you finding those relevant backlinks can be very difficult.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Specify The Keyword Ideas for SEO

Website title is the most important on SEO technique, so we must defenitly main title.'s not easy as we thing but google easly help us they provide a SEO tool for Keyword Ideas.

The Search-based Keyword Tool generates keyword and landing page ideas highly relevant and specific to your website. In doing so, the tool helps you identify additional advertising opportunities that aren't currently being used in your AdWords ad campaigns. The tool goes one step further by tailoring the keywords and other data (such as the amount of competition for the keyword, the suggested bid, and more) based on your language or country/territory settings.

Based on your URLs, the Search-based Keyword Tool displays a list of relevant user queries that have occurred on (and on other Google search properties, such as with some frequency over the past year; these suggestions can be found under the Keywords tab, in the New keywords related to (site) section. In the Keywords related to your search section, you can see a broad list of keyword ideas that are also relevant, but aren't necessarily based on your site.

The keywords are also organized by category. Click any category to expand and view its subcategories. If applicable, you'll also see the keywords organized by brand names.

Information Detail :

Terms on which you are not currently running your ads, but are highly related to your site.

Monthly searches
Average amount of traffic a keyword receives each month from your chosen country/territory.

Degree of competitiveness for ad placement with a particular keyword, in your chosen country/territory.

Sugg. (Suggested) bid
Estimated bid amount that may place your ad in the top three spots of the page, in your chosen country/territory.

Ad/Search share
(Ad share) Percentage of time with which an ad for your website appeared for the given query. (Search share) Percentage of time which your site appeared in the first page of search results for the query. Based on your chosen country/territory.

Extracted from webpage
Page on your website that best matched the keyword suggestion.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Analysis of Websites Tool

Hey all,

This was a project that I worked on sometime back.

Demo here:

You could enter any website that you want and enter a keyword along with it, and it produces a series SEO based results. I did this script as an integration of existing scripts on the market, but I had to do a lot modifications so it works nice. Also, I have followed OOPS in PHP5 so the code looks pretty as well.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

RSS Feed Submitter v2.3.0.0


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Backlink Building - Is Article Writing Really Important For Backlink Building?

Believe it or not but backlink building is a program that you need to stick with in order to continue getting search engine optimization (SEO) by the search engines.

I'm pretty new to Affiliate Marketing but I've learned a lot about building quality and relevant backlinks. I've been getting OK traffic from my backlink building program and I wanted to test what would happen if I just stopped my backlink building.


Monday, June 15, 2009

SEO Do's and Don'ts Which Need to Be Considered by Richard Nicholson

When it comes to SEO, the easy rule of thumb is that content matters. Google, Yahoo and other search engines base their query results on website content. If there is no relevant content, high rankings are elusive. In addition, it's always good to be on top! Put your most appropriate keywords and search terms in the title, descriptions, and first few lines of your website text and content. Though, Google will penalize your website if you overload it with inappropriate keywords and hidden search terms. Also, search engine is a perfectionist about the rules. They make the rules and if you wish to enhance search engine rankings then must play by them. Here are some important guidelines:


Friday, June 5, 2009

Google PageRank Checker 1.0 *Freeware*

Google PageRank Checker is a software that checks Google pagerank of one Web site or many Web sites. It will automatically access many Google search engine data center to query pagerank, Embed in many Google data center IP addresses. Don't need to install Google toolbar. Google PageRank Checker is a simple search engine marketing tool that helps you monitor and check your Web site and your competitor's Web site pagerank change.

Size: 332KB
System Requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Website Submitter v2.2

Website Submitter

◊ As Web surfers rely more and more on search engines like Google and MSN, it has become more important than ever to make sure your site can be found in those search engines for relevant keyword phrases. To do that, you have to get your site indexed. But how can you make sure that you are listed? How can you make sure that one of your sites hasn’t been ignored?

◊ Website Submitter is the easiest semi-automated Web promotion tool. With our software you will never need to search for places to advertise again. Easily submit multiple websites to 3500 directories.

◊ The majority of website traffic comes from search engines. Some research shows that as much as 75% of traffic comes from them, and it is increasing at a very rapid rate. If your site is not ranked as a top site in the search engines it is obvious that you are going to lose traffic.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Phantom Cloaker 2008 *Worth $159.95*

Phantom Cloaker Software:
Are you at war with the Search Engines? Are you tired of spending countless hours trying to fight a battle that you will never win? If you are at odds with the search engines chances are that's how you will remain. On today's challenging SEO (Search Engine Optimization) battlefield, it takes more than just a nice looking website to make you a heavy weight contender amongst the many webmasters fighting for a top 10 ranking position!

Phantom Cloaker Features:

Phantom Cloaker is now updated to version 2.4! Our cloaking software now supports international languages German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian! Furthermore, flash redirection is enabled, updated new templates (4) total, and many major enhancements. Download the Free Demo Now!

Phantom Cloaker is intelligent and creates optimized Pages which appear to have been hand made and contain genuine content. Phantom Cloaker is unlike other content generation tools which simply dump all your keywords in one place and risk being recognized as spam by search engines.


Friday, May 1, 2009

RSS to Blog V4.5

If you are looking for a really simple way to add new content to your website daily, without having to write a new article everyday ... you need a blog! Maybe you already have a blog but have not posted to it in a long while because of all the time it takes to write a post for each of your blogs. Updating a blog daily is the best way to organically grow your websites in the eyes of the search engines.

Features :

  • Automatically Post News Stories in Your Niche from RSS Feeds to your Blogs 24/7
  • Never Search For New Content For Your Blogs Again, Let Other People Write the Content. You Just Post it to Your Blog!
  • Big Adsense Checks Using Blogs! Earn Money using Blogs With Adsense and Affiliate Programs!
  • Write Your Own Content? Send Out Your Regular Blog Posts Even While You are on Vacation. Write your own content and "The blog post automator" will also send that to your blog on a schedule you determine!
  • Randomize the Sources That You Use For Your Blog Posts. Blogs naturally link to many other websites. Our software encourages natural linking by pulling the RSS feeds and content for your blogs from many different sources!
  • Open News Item Links in a New Window
  • Make Automatic Posts to Word Press Categories
  • Add Your Keywords to The Post Titles
  • Copy Entire Projects easily
  • Post to Many Blog Types. Compatible With Word Press 1.5.X, 2.X and up, Blogger Blogs, Movable Type, Type Pad, Live Journal and MSN Spaces.
  • One Time Installation for All Of Your Blogs!
  • Eliminate footprints that the search engines can use to track you down. Random Posting Times - Make posts at varying times to your blog.
  • Randomize the format of your blog posts using our unique template feature!
  • Randomize the format of your search and rss results so that they do not always look the same.
  • Add your own text example: Add "Read More" to the end of your search or RSS results instead of linking from the titles.
  • Post to multiple blogs from one project
  • Post to multiple wordpress categories from one project
  • MYSQL Database driven for stabiity and flexibilty
  • Support foreign characters from RSS and Text Pods sections
  • Autolinking with each post
  • Make your keyword bold automatically within each post
  • Randomize and Schedule your Posts
  • Filter RSS feeds for keywords
  • Create Unique Titles for your posts
  • Cross post multiple text files to the same blog
  • Loop posting from text pods
  • Categorize your projects
  • Post from within a time frame from RSS and News
  • Automatic Install for easy script setup and installation! (NO need to worry about script configuration to install RSS to Blog, Our software installs itself on your server, including automatic creation and population of the mysql database, permission changes and cron setup!)
More Info :

Download :


Monday, April 20, 2009

Article site builder - Web mastering software

The Opportunity: Content-Rich Websites Make $!

The Problem: Youre Not a Writer or You Hate Writing


Now You Build High-Content Websites -- Even If You Hate to Write!

Benefits You Get From Using Article Site Builder:

Being able to feed the search engines what they love most: keyword-dense content.

Visitors who keep coming back because the contents always updated.

A steady stream of fresh, new content.

An easy way to insert the content into a template.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SEO Analyze

You work hard to improve your search engine rankings, but are you satisfied with the results?

Poor rankings in the organic search engine results mean that your web site is failing to reach a large number of potential customers.

This SEO Analysis Tool is to help you analyze and measure the ranking potential of your web pages.

  • Analyze most common meta tags;
  • Analyze keyword density from the page content;
  • Analyze page load time from the page;
  • Analyze size from the page;
  • Analyze title meta tag relevancy to page content;
  • Analyze description meta tag relevancy to page content;
  • Analyze keywords meta tag relevancy to page content;
  • Check robots.txt file if user agent is allowed to spider the page;
  • Display meta tags returned from the web server;
  • Display headers returned from the web server;
  • Search for keywords on the page;
  • Search for keywords in the anchor (URL) tags;
  • Search for keywords in the images alt tag.
Visit Here For Analyze :


Friday, April 10, 2009

SEO Report v1.0.0.279

SEO Report is an all-in-one solution for a better insight on the SEO (Search engine optimization) world. It gives you comprehensive SEO reports, including monitoring your ranking in search engines, checking your link popularity, suggesting the right popular keywords to use, and more! SEO Report helps you get targeted visitors and increase sales. With it, you'll be able to monitor your competitors, watch Google during updates, stay informed (via rss) about SEO news & articles, and more!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Adding Meta Tags to Blogger

Did you know what is Meta tags ? and why it's very important to increase our visitor ?

Meta tags are the tags which describes your site and tells the search engines what your site is all about. Adding meta tags is an important factor in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).Meta tags allows search engines to index your web pages more accurately. So visitor can visit your blog from Search Engine that they used for loking something.

How to add Meta tags to our blog ?


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SEO PR Storm - Site promotion automatic

It is important to explain, for others users from this forum that if you want to use Software methods, you may get banned from google.

PRStorm is Black Hat Tool, SE dislike it, you risk your site if you use this tool.

But.. people can try to find more information about it.

Well... everybody knows what is better for themselves


Instantly boost your traffic and increase your PageRank
PRStorm - The Best Marketing Tool
Whether your operate a business or personal website, whether you

have 1 or 1000 websites you know that in order to succeed you need


Monday, March 16, 2009

Privacy Policies

Privacy Policy for

If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at

At, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by and how it is used.

Log Files
Like many other Web sites, makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track users movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

DoubleClick DART Cookie
.:: Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site.
.:: Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet.
.:: Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL -

Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include ….
Google Adsense

These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see. has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.’s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers’ respective websites.

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