Tuesday, June 15, 2010

PRspider Free Download

I'm find this tiny tool to check PR and alexa. Put your url's int text file one per line
And load it into program with load file hit check and that's all. Gives you current url pagerank and alexa rank. Export result's to text fie if you wish.
There is no proxy support so your not probably able to check more that 1000 urls at once before Google calms you down after few hour's your able to check again.

OS - Win XP, Win Vista, Win7
Net Framework 2.0 +
Visual C++ 2008

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Site Crawling Tool

Someone ask


What is the best and hopefully FREE tool available that can CRAWL my sitemap and PING every individual page?

Am i right i thinking this would get more of my pages Indexed and possibly found?
Just go here http://webmaster-toolkit.com/link-extractor.shtml and extract your URL's then ping them here http://pingdevice.com/

Rank High In Google In Under 15 Minutes

Method Explained From my previous thread..

In this thread I will explain how I rank high in google within a matter of minutes. I will not go step by step and tell you how to create an account because if you’re a newbie and don’t know how to create an account then you shouldn’t be reading this thread because most likely you wont know how to implement this method anyways.

This method can work great but I have not tested it enough to see how long my pages rank for but they seem to be good as of now but I havnt have any pages up for more than a day.

This method will work great with google trends and a blogger with come CPA’s… be creative. The point is, I ranked on the first page at #7 within 15 minutes and over 2 million SERPS on the top volcanic google trends search.

Write a complete unique article with a high keyword density in a Microsoft word document. Do some keyword research if necessary, or just use google trends given related searches as your main keywords. Use these thick throughout the document.
I don’t know the details why this is important, I just know that it works. Add any links to a blog or clickbank product and submit to Scribd.com. After submitted, make sure you fill in the description, tags, and all of the information until you get a medium to high findability score. (you will know what I mean when you upload.)

After it is uploaded, share it and post the link to Digg and Reddit.com. Those are the only 2 I have used and using those two and a short 1 paragraph article got me ranked number 7 with over 2 mil. SERPS

Anyways this method is still in testing but I have consistently gotten ranked in the first and second page every time. Please tweak and make this method better and share your results because I have shared my findings with you.

That’s about all guys good luck!

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